Cotton Vs Silk: The Showdown

Cotton is a natural fabric that is most popular in the form of a classic tee. And maybe your favourite pyjamas. Silk is a different natural fabric – woven from the fibres of a silkworm, no less – that has a more luxurious reputation. And like any good duo, they each have their strengths, and weaknesses. Especially when it comes to your bedding. Read on to find out what they do best.

Cotton Vs Silk: The Showdown (and a clear winner)

Cotton 101

Cotton remains the world’s most widely used natural fibre. It’s comfortable, versatile and low maintenance. And it holds excellent hypoallergenic properties for those with allergies or sensitive skin. Cotton is commonly used in bed sheets – and although flax linen is having its moment right now (but that’s another story), many still prefer cotton for the crisp, fresh feeling it provides. Perhaps our favourite thing about cotton sheets (apart from that crisp, clean sheet feeling) is the variety on offer. You can choose high thread count, fine weave, sateen, percale and more, depending on personal preference and budget. Cotton’s downsides include less breathability than its natural competitors (linen and silk), and a shorter lifespan.

Cotton Vs Silk: The Showdown

Silk 101

Being a protein fibre from the silkworm, silk is naturally soft and glossy. If you own a silk shirt, you’ll already know how much lighter and softer it can feel on the body than your cotton equivalent. And this makes it better in certain applications – for example, when you want your clothes to float. When you want a luxe glossy shimmer for a night time piece. And when you want a cool, calm, moisture-wicking spot to rest your face while you sleep.
As for the downsides, silk is slippery – so you probably don’t want a whole bed of it – and it can be expensive.
But, adding silk just to your pillows lets you make the most of its benefits. Including…

Cotton Vs Silk: The Showdown

It keeps skin smooth

Because cotton is a little weightier and more textured, it can’t let your skin glide across its surface like silk does. And studies have shown that sleep wrinkles develop when the face is pressed against certain surfaces that distort the skin (ie, hold it in a crease). Silk is frictionless, so it keeps your face free of creasing and helps prevent new wrinkles from forming.

Cotton Vs Silk: The Showdown

It calms bed hair

In a similar way to skin, hair on cotton gets caught up in the texture and roughed up in the friction. So you end up waking up in a bit of a frizz. Silk, being as smooth as it is, lets your hair glide with your movements, without getting stuck or ruffled. So your bed hair looks as though it just came out of the salon.

Cotton Vs Silk: The Showdown

It keeps you cool

Natural fabrics will always offer better breathability than synthetics – so cotton is pretty good here too. But silk is known to be more effective in regulating your body temperature – and it stays cool to the touch better than cotton does.

Cotton Vs Silk: The Showdown (and a clear winner)

It leaves skincare on your skin, where it should be

Cotton is a thicker weave than silk, with greater absorption. Which means bed sheets can feel nice and weighty (think hotel linen!). But when it comes to your pillow, it is more likely to draw your luscious serums and creams into its fibres and away from your face. Not only does that mean your skincare is wasted, it also means cotton is likely to hold onto moisture, oil, dirt, sweat and everything else that can cause breakouts and clog pores. Silk, on the other hand, is moisture-wicking and anti-bacterial. Keeping good oils on your face, and whisking everything else out of the way.

Cotton Vs Silk: The Showdown

It simply lasts longer

Cotton is pretty durable – but it can shrink or change shape over time (and in certain wash cycles. Silk is known to be more durable than cotton, with stronger fibres and greater longevity overall.

We love cotton for some things – our favourite tees included. But for our pillowcases? Silk is the luxurious choice that’s better for you too.

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